or: How to control and share your photos from a Nikon D4
This setup describes how to connect to D4 from any browser
using a WiFi router and a battery instead of expensive WT-5 transmitter
The battery is this: http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.
The mini WiFi Router is this: http://www.pc1.gr/showitem.
Battery is charged from sun in 10hours or from PC in 3 hours
It lasts about 2 hours, which are more than enough to make use of it out in the wild.
The 3G router is tremendous, it starts-up in seconds, it gives IPs, it can share a USB Hard disk, it can share its internet connection via a sim card, it is reachable from a distance etc,etc..
Putting a web/FTP server into the camera itself was a very clever movement from Nikon.
It gives endless possibilities.
I can for example make a script in my Android phone so it connects to the FTP server every x seconds and downloads all the new Jpegs that finds there. Just like the Eye-Fi card. But cheaper
Or if the camera is far away from Wifi reach
I can connect to it through the internet provided I made a port forwarding of ports 80 and 21 in the 3G Router.
[EDIT] Jan.2013: TP-LINK just released the battery powered 3G/4G Wireless Router TL-MR3040, even more flexibility